Know Your Worth

What’s Your Worth: Are you being the best version of yourself?


No, I am not talking about your net worth, bank balance or investments… I am talking about defining yourself solely based on the kind of person you are and the things you do, rather you like to do.

So have you ever wondered or you just gave it a quick thought and the response was a smile or a frown based on what constituted cluster of thoughts – a quick flash of your achievements, failures or a bunch of what-ifs! Well, whatever your response – all depends on how you define your worth!

The point is – this is not something new that has managed to grab everybody’s attention, rather this is something which was present since the time began whether it was a King trying to justify his worthiness to be able to hold onto the Throne or King’s key people proving their worth so as to be able to hold onto the eminent positions in the King’s Court.

Now a days, the competition is at its highest and so is the pressure to be nothing but the best. On daily basis – people are judged and perceived based on other people’s idea of worth of a person. This does not necessarily mean that we are exactly as people perceive or judge. There is a strong chance of a gap between what people see and what we are/do. Some examples –

  • At School – worth defined by Teachers, Peers, Marks/ result, Tuition;
  • At Home – worth defined by Parents, Siblings, Relatives;
  • At Office – worth defined by Salary, Feedback from Line managers, Peers/Colleagues;
  • At Social gatherings – worth defined by Friends, Relatives, Crowd as such….

Ideally, people’s version of you should not affect you to the extent that you make it a reality. Feedback might be useful, when it comes from reliable and trustworthy sources. Do make a note of it, and make sure you follow it up with those people. You might come across something which helps you to become better at various things, leading you to become a better person as a whole.

As Stephen Covey rightly puts, “Consider what you want to be said of you in the funeral experience, you will find your definition of success”. Once you have an idea of what exactly you would want to sound like, you can trace it back and figure what you would need in terms of skill, attitude and/or training to become that person. Jot it down somewhere for you to refer to it as often as you can/want. This will help you to absorb it, in mind and heart and then you are ready to take action on it. Start with the baby steps and you will become the person that fulfills all the criteria of being a worthy person, as defined by YOU!

4 thoughts on “What’s Your Worth: Are you being the best version of yourself?

  1. Very thought provoking and analytical!

    I agree to the writer’s view that self review with due weightage to feedback from trustworthy sources should determine an individual’s worth


  2. Very well conceptualised, analysed and expressed. Thoughtfully written article to make all aware true facts of life.


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