Love Yourself

That One Love Affair We All Must Have!


In the grand scheme of things, when we think about life, our thoughts invariably are drawn to family, friends, work, colleagues, neighbours et cetera. While it is good to think about people and things that matter the most to us, we very conveniently, forget that one person – the MOST important person. Who are we talking about? Domestic help, you may say… after all, today’s lifestyle is such that we can’t do without a good household help. But no…. the person I am talking about here is the one who is reading the article right now (writing the article in my case!)

Ever wonder, why is it that we are at the end of our lists always? Are we conditioned that way? Why can’t we be at the top of the list and not feel guilty about it? Or be free from the fear of being perceived as a selfish person? And before you go on blaming the world – stop right there! You are equally responsible for this and that makes you a partner in crime. How? While your loved ones are excited about a project or helpless about a situation, you don the role of a “superperson” at the drop of a hat and leave no stone unturned for them. But let us not forget that we are mere mortal human beings and we all deserve some time off, some pampering and TLC ourselves. As they say in the flight cabin before the flight takes off, “please make sure you have the oxygen mask before you go on helping others.”

I realize this when I was reading Vinita Dawra Nangia’s article “Give yourself a break”, also the prompt for this article. We don’t think twice before helping others out but when it comes to us, there is a long list of ifs and buts waiting for us and taking an off becomes a project in itself considering the amount of planning and thinking goes into it, not to mention the endless discussions regarding how and when!

If this situation sounds too familiar, then you need is to fall in love… have an affair and a passionate one! What? Am I crazy? Nope… I am talking about falling in love with yourself again. Look out for yourself, be your own best friend, love yourself for who you are and the way you are. Because only when you love yourself unconditionally and are happy inside, it makes all the difference in the world outside.